
9.25米大使館前アクション申し入れ文 (英訳)





アメリカ合州国大統領:バラク・オバマ 殿


                  MAIL: toudenmae.action@gmail.com
                  TEL :









一、 現在、横須賀を母港としている原子力空母ジョージ・ワシントンを横須賀から即時撤去してアメリカ本土へ帰国させること。横須賀基地内の原子力空母関連施設を解体撤去すること。

一、 原子力潜水艦による放射能漏えい事故、衝突事故の事例が多数あり、私たちは重大な事故危険要素を危惧するものです。したがって、原子力潜水艦を日本の港に寄港させないこと。さらに日本の領海に立ち入らないこと。

一、 アメリカ軍が核兵器および大量破壊兵器を持ち込んでいないか、米軍基地内を日本の市民に査察させること。

一、 事故を繰り返している新型輸送ヘリ:オスプレイについての一方的で根拠のない「安全宣言」を撤回して、日本配備を中止すること。岩国基地に駐機しているオスプレイを直ちに撤去して、沖縄配備を断念すること。

一、 福島の原子力事故は、アメリカ政府が欠陥を隠蔽したまま日本に売り込んだ米ゼネラル・エレクトリック(GE)社製の「沸騰水型軽水炉(BWRマーク1型)」の欠陥によるものであることも一つの要因であることが、元GE社の技術者からも指摘されています。アメリカ政府は福島事故を引き起こした責任の一端を認めて、福島の人々およびすべての事故被害者に謝罪すること。

一、 アメリカ政府は謝罪の証として、福島第一原発の収束に一定の責任を持つこと。福島事故の収束のための技術や、事故によって被ばくした人々の治療のための放射線障害医療のための技術や機材を無償で提供すること。

一、 このかんのアメリカ政府関係者による、日本の「脱原発」に向かう動きに敵対する発言や動き(「日本の原発の維持」を訴える「アーミテージ報告書」、あるいは新米国安全保障センター(CNAS)のクローニン上級顧問による9月13日の発言「具体的な行程もなく、目標時期を示す政策は危うい」など)を直ちに撤回すること。

一、 アメリカ政府は、日米原子力協定を破棄して、日本が「脱原発」に向かう動きをつぶす黒幕のような振る舞いを直ちにやめること。今後一切、日本の原子力政策に介入しないこと。

一、 オバマ大統領は「核なき世界」をめざすと言うのならば、貴国が所有するすべての核兵器と原子力施設を直ちに無条件で撤廃して世界に率先して範を垂れること。

一、 米軍横須賀基地は戦後日米安全保障条約に基づき、朝鮮戦争、ベトナム戦争、湾岸戦争、イラク戦争、アフガン戦争などの侵略戦争の前線基地として機能してきました。私たちはその反省から戦争に直結する横須賀基地に反対するものです。したがって横須賀基地を直ちに撤去すること。




Request to the President of the United States of America
and the Government of the United States of America

September, 25th, 2012

BLOG: http://toudenmaeaction.blogspot.com/
MAIL: toudenmae.action@gmail.com

First of all, dear lovely people living in the United States of America,
We, ANTI-TEPCO Action!, are very sorry for people living in the United States, especially for those living in the West Coast, and for those living in the islands of the Pacific Ocean, for what Fukushima nuclear catastrophe caused, which without a doubt is serious radioactive pollution in the air, and in the ocean, as Japanese citizens, who could not have stopped nuclear plants before March 11th, 2011, and who therefore are part responsible for this catastrophe.

Here, we make the following requests to the President of the United States of America and the Government of the United States of America, by showing our strong will that we would like to stop all nuclear plants, weapons, and facilities in Japan, the United States of America, and the rest of the world, together will you, lovely people living in the United States of America!

Let’s unite for “OUR ONLY EARTH, WITH NO NUKES”!!

To: Mr. Barack Obama, the 44th President of the United States of America,
There are currently 2 nuclear plants under operation out of 50 in Japan. There is no nuclear plant under operation in the service area of TEPCO, Tokyo Electric Power Company. The area includes Yokosuka, where George Washington, a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, is at anchor.

Now some seismologists point out Nankai Trough of Japan may cause a large earthquake and a tsunami in the future. Also, it is conceivable that Yokosuka may be hit by a magnitude 7 earthquake in the future, by the active faults in the north of Miura Peninsula. We have to say, therefore, the 12th berth, where George Washington is at anchor, is in serious danger, also because most parts of Yokosuka Naval Base are reclaimed ground.

We, ANTI-TEPCO ACTION!, here request the following to the President of the United States of America and the Government of the United States of America, in order to remove this potential danger of nuclear and military strength, and to stop this current unusual condition, which a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, loaded with dual 600,000kw nuclear reactors, is at anchor in Tokyo Bay, with no obligation of being inspected by Japanese nuclear regulatory agency. 

A) The United States of America should return George Washington to the United States of America. Also, the United States of America should dismantle any relevant facilities to the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier in Yokosuka Naval Base.
B) The United States of America should not put nuclear-powered submarine into any port in Japan, and into the territorial seas of Japan. We are apprehensive about serious accident of such submarine as there are many cases of radioactivity leakage and collisions in the past.

C) The United States of America should permit Japanese citizens to inspect United States military base in Japan, for whether the United States armed forces bring nuclear weapons and weapons of mass destruction into Japan or not.

D) The United States of America should withdraw the arbitrary and groundless “safety declaration” of MV-22 Osprey tilt-rotor aircraft, the new transport helicopter, which has already caused several minor and major accident, and should halt deployment of the aircraft. In other words, the United States of America should return the aircraft currently at Marine Corps Air Station Iwakuni to the United States of America, and should abandon deployment of the aircraft in Okinawa.

E) A former engineer of General Electric Company points out that one of the root causes of Fukushima nuclear catastrophe is that the Government of the United States of America sold the defective BWR with Mark 1 containment of General Electric Company to Japan, without explaining about the defection. The Government of the United States of America should admit to the part responsibility for Fukushima nuclear catastrophe, and should apologize to people in Fukushima, and to all victims of the catastrophe.

F) The Government of the United States of America should take certain responsibility for resolution of Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant as evidence of the apology in E). The Government of the United States of America should provide necessary technology for resolution of Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant, and necessary technology and facilities for treatment of the victims exposed to radiation due to Fukushima nuclear catastrophe, free of charge.

G) The United States of America should withdraw statements made by the government officials against denuclearizing movements in Japan, such as the statement in “Armitage Report”, which urges Japan to retain nuclear plants, and the statement made on September 13th by Patrick Cronin, a senior advisor of Center for a New American Society (CNAS), which stated, “It is risky to state such a definitive goal without a concrete process.”.

H) The Government of the United States of America should not attempt to control the nuclear energy policy in Japan from behind the scenes. The Government of the United States of America should not affect Japan’s political action for denuclearization by nullifying Japan-United States Atomic Agreement. The United States of America should no longer interfere in nuclear energy policy in Japan.

I) As long as the President of the United States of America aims for “a nuclear-free world”, the United States of America should dismantle all nuclear weapons and facilities unconditionally, and should take the lead in this field.

J) United States Fleet Activities Yokosuka in the past functioned as a front-line base for aggressive wars such as Korean War, Vietnam War, Gulf War, Iraq War, Afghanistan War, and so on. We, ANTI-TEPCO ACTION!, regret this fact, and thus protest against United States Fleet Activities Yokosuka, which is directly connected with wars. The United States of America should remove Fleet Activities Yokosuka.

Last, we must say that we protest against nuclear-powered aircraft carrier and MV-22 Osprey tilt-rotor aircraft not only because they are simply dangerous but also because they are aircraft carrier and helicopter designed to or help to kill people at war. We, therefore, request that the United States of America should remove all United States Military bases in Japan, such as military bases in Okinawa, which exist to invade other countries.

We, ANTI-TEPCO ACTION!, request the above to the Government of the United States of America and the President of the United States of America. We do request that staffs in Embassy of the United States of America definitely send our requests to the Government of the United States of America.

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